A Spontaneous Video Message for this Weekly Tip



I took my grandson for a walk to the river, but he didn’t see the river because he had fallen asleep in his pushchair before we reached the river! LOL. So, I decided to video the flowing water, and at the beginning of the video, you can see that that was what I was doing.


I suddenly started speaking (and surprised myself), so I let the words flow (pun intended) to see what words of wisdom were going to be shared…


As I waited to see if my grandson would wake up, I was listening to the water and watching the water flowing, and I got to thinking about flow in our lives at the moment. We seem to have got blocked or stagnant with what is going on – the big fraud.


Also, people are feeling the denser energies, the oppression, especially with the rules like the wearing of masks, which is totally unnecessary and dangerous to everybody’s health. After twenty minutes of wearing a mask, you could very likely be developing a health issue with your lungs. Let’s put it that way.


So, instead of focusing on that negativity, let’s imagine, visualise – because that’s the best way of doing it – visualise that already, the fraud has finished. It’s over; no longer are you told / forced that you have to wear masks, that you have to do the unnecessary social distancing, the separation.


Imagine that all that is over because if you ask for that to end, there’s still that anxiety… Will it end? Will it not end? How long is this going on for?


Let’s visualise now. Let’s bring in…I’m bringing in the energy from above. We’ll take it down, down, down, all the way down into every cell in our bodies. And then, going down, down, down into the centre of Gaia, into the centre of Mother Earth. Feel that Mother’s Love. Then, draw that up, breathe it up… Ahhhh…


Now, at the bottom of your spine, at your Root Chakra, allow some of that energy to sprout out as a red peacock tail. Let that sprout out, grow. Some of the feathers go upwards, towards the Divine Masculine. Some go down into Gaia, down into Mother Earth, to the Divine Feminine.


And the rest of that energy that you are drawing up, that love, that pure, divine, unconditional love from the centre of Gaia, all the way up to your Heart Space, where the energy from above and the energy from below explodes in a magnificent, creative sun – a golden white light shooting out from you. Visualise this…then go into that energy…step into that energy, however you visualise, feel or sense that energy.


Step into it, and then feel that beautiful pure love. Imagine, visualise the world without the health fraud, without the masks. How does that feel? Let’s feel that. How wonderful it feels to be free, to be able to go about as you like, to do what you like, create what you like, speak to whom you like, cuddle whom you like, kiss whom you like… Isn’t that absolutely wonderful? Seeing your fellow beings and all beings in love and light – in community, unity, commune…comm-unity, together, togetherness, loving each other, living in peace and harmony, being healthy, wealthy and creating the world that we want.


Having control over our own lives, over our own wealth, our own health. How does that feel? Doesn’t that feel wonderful – a mask-less society in all senses (not just the physical wearing of the mask, but take away all the darkness and shadows and control). Sovereign beings living from your souls – the power being that you are living from light and love.


Now, focus on that for…try for 11 seconds first of all…and then focus on it for 17 seconds – just focussing on that wonderful feeling of what it is like. Do it as many times per day as you feel necessary. Revoke all consent to controlling agenda, service-to-self programs. Revoke consent and bring in love and light, and your sovereignty, and all that that means to you.


Create the world that you want the world to be. You can do that. Now, I will leave you with that beautiful feeling. As I said, do this as many times per day as you like. I have started doing it when I wake up and before going to bed, and if I feel like doing it during the day, I find a quiet spot – and as you can see, I was doing it in that spot, down by the river…Ahhhh.


Remember! You don’t have to swim upstream…

Here’s a photo of a sunflower that i noticed on our walk back from the river:

sunflower on return walk


Notice how the sunflower is right at the edge of the field, standing tall, on its own, while most of the other sunflowers are drooping. it struck me that that is how i often feel. LOL! Maybe, you do too. I am not alone, though and nor are you. Your guides are always there, along with liked-hearted souls. We are in this together. Angel cuddles…


Voilà! If you would like to get in touch with me or work with me for a consultation, a healing, or perhaps help with cosmic ordering, you can contact me HERE. I look forward to hearing from you. I love connecting with you. You are reading this for a reason. We connect with those we are here for and who are here for us…



Angel Cuddles, Love & Light




Don’t forget to like my Facebook Page, Angel Cuddle Trails, for updates or free gifts, special offers and the upcoming Healing Hangouts. See you there…



(Little disclaimer I ought to share with you: I am not giving medical advice. I am sharing information, knowledge, experience, wisdom… I am not telling anyone what they should do. These tips are for educational / informational purposes. I am sharing.)


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Sarah Pritchard  


  Hello, Sarah Barton here, Angel Ambassador, Channel of Grace, and a Reiki Master. An English lady with a passion for being a light bearer, sharing Love and showing up as one of the ones here to end separation on Mother Earth. So, how can I help you?

Angel of Love on Earth



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Alain Deguire

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