Love Transmission and Channeled Message from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua in Answer to My Question on Making the Most of a Good Crisis.


This is the intro video I made down by the river.

You may want to watch that first (and experience the Light Language at the end) before reading the rest of this article.

Instead of continuing to be “Irritated” by the CV fraud and other dark events happening, I chose to come from another angle, to focus on what is positive about all this. I requested that Mary Magdalene and Yeshua join me in conversation. I’m sharing the message here, because it is not just for me… Is it for you? Does it resonate at all with you?


I had heard someone using the phrase: “Don’t waste a good crisis.” Apparently, Winston Churchill and Rahm Emanuel are said to have used a similar phrase in the 1940s and the 2008 recession. I asked Mary and Yeshua if this was appropriate to current events. The darkers have been taking advantage of the “crises,” even causing them, but that wasn’t what I was talking about. I was meaning for those here to bring light to the planet. This is much of what they shared (I was scribbling down notes) and their answer was very clear:

Imagine/Visualise sitting by the sea, with a beautiful camp fire in front of you, as you sit on the sand with Mary Magdalene and Yeshua…


beach camp fire


For true health and wellness, it is necessary to be aligned with the Earth and the Universe.

Break down the paradigms.

When you break down, it’s the time for breaking through.

It’s time for breaking the patterns.

Fear not and be aware – systems are breaking down for a reason.

The dark is being revealed, being brought into the light.

This means change, Dear One. There has to be change.

Let go. Stop holding on. It is not for you to decide what does not change. Let go…


Take time to remember who and what you are.

Look into your heart.

Remember, you are here to create.

Break out of your cocoon, spiralling out from your inner journey, back to your highest potential, your highest self.

Listen to yourself.

Trust and nurture yourself.



Be the New Earth by being yourself.

Seek and find all the answers in you, in your heart.

Let your gut and heart brains lead and guide your head brain.

Your gut is intuitive. Your heart knows and accepts truth.

Your head brain needs to get over itself! LOL.

Quieten your head brain. It is a nuisance sometimes, is it not?

But for your physical existence, it is rather useful.

Align your three brains.

At the same time, align with the Divine Masculine and Feminine.


Balance the feminine and masculine.

The goddess is rising to meet the god in your heart space.

It is time Dear One. It is time.

Break down and break through.

You cannot go back. You cannot awaken and then re-sleep.

To go forward – into the connection with the higher realms and your higher self – embrace the change.

Let go of what no longer serves you. Yes, we know we have told you this before. Did you listen, Dear One?

Change yourself and your world will change.

You are the change.

You are the hero.

Your journey and adventures are escalating.

Be the dimensional space.

Go dimensional jumping. Have fun!

It may be a bumpy ride, but you love the roller coaster don’t you?

How do you feel when it is over? You want to go again don’t you?

[I laughed here! I absolutely love the roller coaster.]


Bring that other dimensional energy back with you. Don’t forget.

Bring this back for your fellows. That’s why you are here.

Yes, they may not want to face up to it, or want to accept you, but remember – that is not personal.

Be brave, dear one. You are enough. Know that to be true. Love yourself fully.

You are not here for every being on the planet. You cannot help them all, but you are here for those who have ears to hear.

Fear not, some of those walls are cracking and even falling down.

You have the time now to explore and understand the ways to do that.

Keep going. Not all that we shared with others was always accepted – obviously!

[They laughed here!]


What is your other “duty” Dear One?

What is showing up for change? What darkness is being brought into the light at this time?

What other passion do you share with us?

[Healing and natural health and wellness…herbalism, natural medicine and prevention…]


Show the “alternatives.” (Yes, we know. They are not the alternatives. They are the essentials and ultimates, are they not?)

Within this crisis you referred to, is the opportunity to shine the light on the alternatives, to show others how to return to true empowered health.

You know, do you not, Rainbow Warrioress?

Continue in the essence… You have not forgotten or lost the essence…


Spread your wings and fly!

You have truly got this, as the saying goes.

Love the breakdown, knowing that the light has already overcome the dark.

You are enough.

Seek the truth, say the truth and bring the light upon all.

This will be easier as you let go…

Allow what needs to be released to be released. Stop holding on.


Enjoy the ride, knowing that all is good.

Imagine it has happened. It has in the spiritual realms.

You are connected to the infinite, godly consciousness, Light Warrioress.

Remember the “laws.”

Time for the reset. (And not just a preset, Dear One.) This is it.



There you are.

Here you are.

Here we are…


Go in the Grace that you are (I AM…)

We love you…


half way there



Voilà! If you would like to get in touch with me or work with me for a consultation, a healing, or perhaps help with cosmic ordering, you can contact me HERE. I look forward to hearing from you. I love connecting with you. You are reading this for a reason. We connect with those we are here for and who are here for us…



Angel Cuddles, Love & Light




Don’t forget to like my Facebook Page, Angel Cuddle Trails, for updates or free gifts, special offers and the upcoming Healing Hangouts. See you there…



(Little disclaimer I ought to share with you: I am not giving medical advice. I am sharing information, knowledge, experience, wisdom… I am not telling anyone what they should do. These tips are for educational / informational purposes. I am sharing.)

river Plaigne

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  Hello, Sarah Barton here, Angel Ambassador, Channel of Grace, and a Reiki Master. An English lady with a passion for being a light bearer, sharing Love and showing up as one of the ones here to end separation on Mother Earth. So, how can I help you?

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