I was inspired to record this video after a conversation with Mary Magdalene, Yeshua and other wonderful guides.



Before a shift, there is chaos, as we are experiencing. The reset is happening. Hold on in there… We can do this. We are doing this… We have the strength to carry on.

The church bells were chiming near the beginning of the video. I always take that as confirmation that I’m sharing the message with a higher frequency. I love hearing the bells and the sound always raises my “spirits” and, as we are connected, this is raising your frequency too. This is a “channeled” or received message and I’m calling this video “Being Grateful for the Big Reveal that is the Plandemic.” What? Yes, I am.

I share my notes on their answers to my questions, so there follows herewith, a rough transcript of the video where I share their side of the conversation.



I’m going to read out my notes after having had a conversation with Mary Magdalene, Yeshua and other wonderful guides. During that conversation they revealed guidance on gratitude, to do with the plandemic.


Dear One, you can tell people about “them” (the dark energies) until you are blue in the face, and they still don’t listen, even though you’ve shown yourself to be a wisdom keeper. Don’t take it personally. There is so much programming to break through.


This so-called virus is a way of showing the dark energy to humanity. It is indeed a plan-demic. It’s in motion because “they” (the dark energy) are afraid.  They are losing their chokehold. [CHUCKLE] They are losing their chokehold on their “slaves” – do you see why we are using this word? Breathing and Choking. Yes, they consider and treat you as slaves.


In short, they are losing their grip and they are panicking. As many of you are awakening or becoming aware, that’s raising your energy above the 3D paradigm. They don’t want that to happen. But know – the veil is dropping. They are literally throwing fear at you, to lower your frequency and keep you under control.


Fear energy of control and manipulation governs the 3D paradigm, covering everything – politics, education, finances, religion and health… Yes, “they” have an agenda, as you say. You have realised this. You see this.


Do not judge. Observe. You have seen the particular people and organisations perpetrating this evil. But don’t be angry, or focus on those particular entities. Just view it as very low energy or frequency. As it is all unravelling, the shift is happening. Very positive, Dear One. You feel it and know it, don’t you? As more of you raise your frequencies, you are pulling the dark, dense frequency up. This is what is happening.


Dear One, my child, our children, transcend and transmute that dark energy. Unleash the light. Unravel and reveal the dark. You are doing good work. Sometimes, it seems like a hard and thankless task.  But see what is happening. The darkers are revealing themselves with the plandemic. And the cheating in the big election, but we’ll stay with the plandemic.  (Although they are both very connected.)


This is a pivotal moment for Mother Earth and Humanity, dark and light. Continue to raise your frequency and the darkers will continue to reveal themselves.  More and more of the lies will become more and more unacceptable to more and more people.


Do not judge. That contributes to the dark energy. Be in gratitude. This is very important. Be in gratitude for the revealing that the plandemic actually is. See it and revoke consent – “we are not doing this anymore.” Shine light and love on it. Refuse to accept the dark. Gratitude raises the frequency and brings about the shift.


The shift is happening. Be grateful for it. You contribute to the shift when you appreciate that which you have become aware. Remember, you actualise the thoughts that you accept. In this plandemic chaos, choose the positive opportunities that are arising for humanity.


Be in your heart and choose from your heart. Your heart and you have no boundaries. Your heart chooses love and truth.


Dear Ones, go forward in gratitude for this big revealing that the plandemic is. Seek truth and love and you will become aware of them. The shift is happening. Be grateful for it.


That was the end of my notes. So, let’s remember that. You contribute to the shift when you appreciate that of which you become aware.  That is what this is all about – to help more people become aware, so that we make the shift happen. And we see this going on at the moment.  Let’s be grateful for it.


Ho’oponopono Cleansing:


I’m sorry

Please forgive me

I love you

Thank you


I’m sorry

Please forgive me

I love you

Thank you


I am sorry,

Please forgive me,

I love you,

Thank you.


I love and forgive myself.

I loves and forgives my self…





Voilà! If you would like to get in touch with me or work with me for a consultation, a healing, or perhaps help with cosmic ordering, you can contact me HERE. I look forward to hearing from you. I love connecting with you. You are reading this for a reason. We connect with those we are here for and who are here for us…



Angel Cuddles, Love & Light




Don’t forget to like my Facebook Page, Angel Cuddle Trails, for updates or free gifts, special offers and the upcoming Healing Hangouts. See you there…



(Little disclaimer I ought to share with you: I am not giving medical advice. I am sharing information, knowledge, experience, wisdom… I am not telling anyone what they should do. These tips are for educational / informational purposes. I am sharing.)


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  Hello, Sarah Barton here, Angel Ambassador, Channel of Grace, and a Reiki Master. An English lady with a passion for being a light bearer, sharing Love and showing up as one of the ones here to end separation on Mother Earth. So, how can I help you?

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