Results for the "love transmission" tag

 Calling all empaths… We are here for a reason. Remember, it’s a superpower, and it’s a superpower that is needed on the planet. That’s why we came here. We are, you are light bearers, lighthouses. We are seers and we are truth-sayers. We share the truth. Angel Cuddle Trails – Empaths, this is a…

 Now, let me say straight away, that there’s no such thing as death… Everything is energy and energy never stops. It transforms and transmutes. So, there’s no such thing as death, but when we leave the planet, when we leave the casing behind, we call it death. Thus, I’m calling this video Death by…

Ho’oponopono in Cadillac-en-Fronsadais for Clarity on Finding Your Way Forward… My trail today took me to vineyards in Cadillac-en-Fronsadais. The sun was going down behind the trees, so the light was a little bit strange, but I wanted to do a quick Ho’oponopono on not knowing the way to go forward – not always knowing…

Love Transmission, Ho’oponopono, Mary Magdalene and the BELLS… I continue the Angel Cuddle Trails series at Alet-les-Bains, South West France with a Transmission of Love across the planet, and connecting with you after a Ho’oponopono cleansing. The ancients called the medieval village of Alet-les-Bains ‘The Chosen Place” and the moment I entered into this building,…

Today’s weekly tip concerns time. I show you my simple way of letting my mind accept the concept of all things happening in the now. I discuss how time is not linear, but is circular and show how we can clear the effects of past childhood or past life traumas or “stories”, constrictions and so…

(You can scroll down for the video or keep reading first). Angel Cuddle Trails continue with my visit to Holywell Bay, near Newquay, in Cornwall, and St Cubert’s Holy Well. On the evening of 11th September 2013, we ventured out from our hotel in Newquay, to do a little recky at Cubert and Holywell Bay….

Angel Cuddle Healing

Sarah Barton's Angel Cuddle Graphip Download your free Angel Cuddle Healing Taster now. Just click HERE to experience the life force energy being absorbed into every cell of your body, affecting you on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

Angel Cuddles

Sarah Pritchard  


  Hello, Sarah Barton here, Angel Ambassador, Channel of Grace, and a Reiki Master. An English lady with a passion for being a light bearer, sharing Love and showing up as one of the ones here to end separation on Mother Earth. So, how can I help you?

Angel of Love on Earth



I would recommend Sarah to anyone for Reiki and Angel Cuddles Healing Sessions. You can only expect positive to come out from your connection to her and from using her services.
Love & Blessings,
Alain Deguire
Alain Deguire

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Sarah Barton, Angel Cuddle Trails

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