Sarah Barton, Doreen Virtue Certified Angel Card Reader

Angel card readings for receiving messages from the angels and learning how to heal yourself.

Do you have questions about your

  • Health

  • Relationships

  • Wealth

  • Spirituality

  • Life Purpose/Career?

Today, I’m going to talk about receiving messages via Card Readings, from my experience as a reader. As you can see in the pic I am a Doreen Virtue Certified Angel Card Reader. I use Doreen and Radleigh’s beautiful Angel Tarot and Oracle card decks.

The angels are there to provide insightful inspiration. They offer information, guidance once you ask, sometimes immediately, sometimes instilling the seed at the time of a card reading and expanding on it later via various means, which will bring you back to the meaning of the card(s) the angels brought to your attention during the reading. Aha moments abound! The angels contact us and communicate with us via consciousness and in the heart.

As soon as you ask for an angel card reading I align with your energy vibration and “channel” the messages from the angel during the reading. I am the messenger and I blah blah the message without filtering it. So, in other words, I just spill out what comes to me whether it makes sense to me or not!

Once you have contacted me and set your intention to receive the healing and messages from the angels, your request will have been heard. Before the reading takes place you may feel the calming and loving energy from the angels at work/play. The angels will comfort, guide and reassure you before, during and after a reading.

Types of card readings:

  1. In person

  2. Skype call

  3. Via email

Three card readings are the most popular, but some people prefer a Celtic Cross reading with ten cards which answers specific questions in more detail.

What happens during a card reading consultation?

I am an intuitive healer with my Angel Cuddle Healing modality. You don’t actually go to a healer for them to heal you. A healer triggers your own abilities to heal yourself. That’s what I do during a consultation and reading. So, during a session you benefit from:

* Card reading answering your questions and providing clarity and calm.

* Coaching.

* Angel Cuddle Healing (clearing your energy centres of what no longer serves you, releasing stress and emotions that have been barriers to your forward motion and refilling with love and light.

* Motivation to take your next inspired action toward a more joyful life.

* Tools for healing yourself.

To set up a reading or if you have questions about a Card Reading Consultation you can contact me at or head over here to order your Reading.


Excerpt transcript from an angel card reading


Question: Have I got cancer? What can I do about my back and shoulder pain? How can I maintain healthy back and shoulders releasing them from pain?

Card One   Ask your body for a message

Ask your body for a message

Dear Body, please help me hear your messages. Archangel Raphael, please guide me in honouring and respecting my body’s needs.

S: I’m not sure if we will get an answer to the first question. Remember, I am not a doctor.

John:  It’s something I think about a lot.

S: Remember that what you set your attention on can bring those results from the Universe. So focus on other things and I suggest you focus on positive things that you have and not what you fear or don’t want to have.

The first card speaks about the immediate past with respect to the issues you enquired about. Ask your body for a message. The picture shows an angel on a unicorn.

So, it’s your body giving a message and telling you it has needs. Your back aches and pains is your body trying to convey a message. It definitely wants to be heard.  “Listen to me.”

J: I’m trying to…

S: Get into a quiet state and ask your body “What do you want me to know?”

J: Stop. Get into a quiet state?

S: Sit quietly and go inside – you know how I showed you about visioning the fountain of light above you and letting that come in, go all the way down and connect with the Earth, then bring it back up. Then think about the two pearls behind your eyes and bring them down into your heart space.

J: I’m not very good at getting into that mindset.

S: It’s a heartset.

J: I have very little me time when I can do things like that.

S: That’s your mind telling you that. So tell it “Mind, we’re going down into my heart. Otherwise, your mind will come up with all sorts of things you should be doing instead. So, invite your mind down into your heart. That’s where I’m going. Even if it’s for a few minutes only. Once you are in that space you can ask your body “What do you want me to know. And be open to the answer. You may immediately hear or feel or see the answer (you may not). It may be “I want you to pay me more attention”. “Look after me more.” Listen to your thoughts, feelings and visions. Your back pain, for example – if you don’t listen to the messages you will be shouted at, as in the pain will get worse. Like, you are not listening to me, I’m going to throw some more pain at you to get your attention.

J: Then it goes into the shoulders. Makes everything difficult. Trying to work out what is causing it. Am trying to analyse and listen to my body. How am I stretching it?

S: You may not be physically stretching it at all. It may be emotional.

J: I think you are right.

S: Or even lack of love of yourself, or your body. That sounds a bit narcissistic, but really you need to love yourself before you can love anything or anyone else. It could be that you have been neglecting your bod and it’s saying “Look, I carry you around and you’re not looking after me”. Or it can be emotional. Often, if something goes on for a long time… for example, if someone breaks their leg, it takes about six weeks to mend. It’s a physical, painful experience that the body’s going through, but it heals itself within six weeks. Now, if you have something that goes on for more than six weeks, that shows you that rather than being anything physical, it’s something emotional that’s at the root of the situation.

J: You are probably very right. This has been going on for over six years.

S: There you are. It was my subtle way of telling you that I don’t think it is physical.

J! Yeah, I often find myself in the same sorry mental state I have been over a number of years as regards Peggy. [Long discourse on his woes with partner]. I can’t take it.

S: Some of what you were saying there can apply to you and your body.

J: I agree.

S: You have to be willing to thank your body, say that you love your body and hear where the emotions cause it. Go within. Nurture the inner child inside who is saying: “I want to be loved. I don’t want to be abandoned”. Do you see what I mean?

J: Yes I do.

S: So your inner child is feeling neglected and insecure and that can come out in your body – your back, your shoulders. You see? Where do you carry burdens? On your shoulders. You can have physical burdens or metaphorical and emotional burdens.

J: You are right and I know you are right. Because I know how it feels when I don’t have these anxieties, that stress, those emotional needs of mine. You are making a lot of sense.

S: Talk with your body about your fears, desires, feelings, because your body is the vessel that’s carrying you around. So honour your body and treat it kindly. You can alleviate or get rid of pain by consciously dealing with the core issue. The core issue isn’t a physical bodily issue. It’s an emotional one, but the actual picture is an angel on a unicorn – magical – and a rainbow. Riding on the back of the unicorn suggests support. You have the support, but you have to listen to and hear the messages. If you take yourself into a quiet heart space moment you can ask. Sometimes you’ll see something across the room, or on a book. You’ll pick something up and the words will be the answer to what you asked. Or you may have a feeling straight away – hear something.

Card 2  Increased Energy

Increased Energy Oracle Card

Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for filling me with the unlimited energy of Divine love and light.

S: Your second card is the present, the current status that goes with your question. You gave a number of questions. What you need to know or work on right now. Well, you were already told that with the first card.

This card is Increased Energy. All of these cards are to do with Archangel Raphael because he deals with healing and health. Increased universal energy reminding you that you are more than that body that’s giving you pain. It shows an angel with lots of beams of light energy coming out of it. The background is nature and that suggests that you need to get out in nature more. Go for walks in the countryside or a garden or a park…

J: It’s what I crave for.

S: You have just said it. Your body is telling you – you said: “I crave” and that’s you being told to get out into nature more.

J: It’s not convenient. It’s not on the doorstep. Everywhere is urban.

S: It’s not easy for you, but you can find a quiet spot in a park and feel yourself at one with nature. Connect with nature and Mother Earth to receive more of that energy. You receive energy from above but also you draw it up from the Earth too. So, when you are out in nature you receive more energy, intuition etc. You are more connected.

J: Yes, I feel that sometimes.

S: Absolutely. This card is telling you that’s the answer to your question.

J: That’s where I’d like to live, in an environment like that.

S: This card is saying that you are making positive changes in that, for example, you talk to me about these things now. You are making an effort. All the time you do that the energy is increasing. It’s not only showing you that’s how you can increase your energy – it’s also showing you that the energy is increasing. The energy levels are vital to your health. When you are vibrating more positively you actually feel better. When you transmit a higher energy you also receive a higher energy. So you can increase your vitality, strength, motivation…

J: I understand. I need to get out more.

S: Even small steps gradually expand your energy. There may be things around you that are draining your energy. You can ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords that are connecting you to whatever is draining you.

J: [Long discourse again].

S: You beat yourself up too.

Physical tip: eat high energy food and avoid energy-draining food and beverages. Sometimes you don’t realize. It’s worth looking into what you are eating. This is the card telling you what you need to act upon. Just ask and it shall be done.

Card 3  Improving Health

Improving Health Oracle Card

Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for your comforting reassurance about this situation.

S: Your third card does say improving health and it shows someone with flowers/ plants, looking very peaceful.

Reassurance – Raphael is reassuring you about the situation. Your prayers and healthful actions are working, so stay on this positive path. You may not notice the improvements immediately. Continue taking positive lifestyle actions as in following what was recommended in the second and the first cards.

J: Lifestyle is important obviously.

S: Archangel Raphael is with you every step of the way. If you follow your intuitive guidance (as I said, when you get out in nature you find that your intuition sparks up more too) you’ll experience positive results. Your prayers for help have been heard and will be answered. You have the word “reassurance” so you are reassured that all is well, which is possibly the answer to your first question.

J: That is reassuring.

S: The middle card that was the present status and giving you suggestions on what to do and third one are linked there – really encouraging you to get out into nature. And the last one, your health is improving.




**All readings are for entertainment value only. They are not meant for medical, legal or financial advice.






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Sarah Pritchard  


  Hello, Sarah Barton here, Angel Ambassador, Channel of Grace, and a Reiki Master. An English lady with a passion for being a light bearer, sharing Love and showing up as one of the ones here to end separation on Mother Earth. So, how can I help you?

Angel of Love on Earth



I would recommend Sarah to anyone for Reiki and Angel Cuddles Healing Sessions. You can only expect positive to come out from your connection to her and from using her services.
Love & Blessings,
Alain Deguire
Alain Deguire

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