Results for "Angel cuddles" category

Invocation for Living My Life Purpose

  • 3rd March 2017 |
  • Author: Sarah

A number of people have complimented me recently. It has been a lesson to me, to accept the compliments. Also, I have become aware that complimenting is a way of showing up and being the gift that you are. The compliments raised my spirits, literally and inspired me to carry on being me, however that…

Our trails take us to Menacuddle Holy Well, in Cornwall. Yes, I found a “cuddle” well, on my first trail, in 2012.   I was staying in St Austell, in Cornwall and I discovered that there was a Sacred Spring with cuddle in its name. I just had to find it. The day I went…

The transmission video is below Today’s sharing is from my Angel Cuddle Trails in Cornwall – St Michael’s Mount. I began the sharing of the trails at Mont St Michel, in France. On that same trip, I went across the water to England, following the loveline that runs between the two sister mounts. St Michael’s…

Energy Transmission from Mont St Michel

  • 27th January 2017 |
  • Author: Sarah

I prepared a Mont St Michel Healing Transmission audio for you. I would like to share this transmission from the very first energy portal I visited on the first Angel Cuddle Trail. The trails began in September 2012. I travelled up to the north of France for the first leg of the trail. I stayed in…

  Angel card readings for receiving messages from the angels and learning how to heal yourself. Do you have questions about your Health Relationships Wealth Spirituality Life Purpose/Career? Today, I’m going to talk about receiving messages via Card Readings, from my experience as a reader. As you can see in the pic I am a…

Friday 9th September… the Healing Hangouts continued. With Michelle Carter’s healing hangout. Michelle, a fellow English lady, is a Divine Energy Channel and Author. She has the ability to connect directly with Pure Source Light and Divine Energies and to channel them to release  blocks that are stopping people from living the life of their…

Today is Friday 2nd September, sooooo… Let the Healing Hangouts commence. Well, they have commenced with Lisa Barnett”s healing hangout. Lisa is an Akashic Record expert. We are friends and met in person at the Chalice Wells Centre in Glastonbury, UK when Lisa held two Akashic Record courses over three days. It was an amazing…

Light Language Blessing

  • 24th April 2016 |
  • Author: Sarah

I was taking some head shots with the webcam and was asked to switch the video on to  record a channelled blessing for the world. It came out in Light Language which will perhaps resonate with your soul. Angel Cuddles, love and light, Sarah by

Hello, Sarah here, Angel Ambassador and channel of Grace and healing energy. About 10 months ago, Daniel Guttierrez did a competition where you had to make a video, lasting no longer than 1 minute, saying what a shift in perspective means for you. Here is the video that I did. It is rather rushed as…

Angel Cuddle Healing

Sarah Barton's Angel Cuddle Graphip Download your free Angel Cuddle Healing Taster now. Just click HERE to experience the life force energy being absorbed into every cell of your body, affecting you on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

Angel Cuddles

Sarah Pritchard  


  Hello, Sarah Barton here, Angel Ambassador, Channel of Grace, and a Reiki Master. An English lady with a passion for being a light bearer, sharing Love and showing up as one of the ones here to end separation on Mother Earth. So, how can I help you?

Angel of Love on Earth



I would recommend Sarah to anyone for Reiki and Angel Cuddles Healing Sessions. You can only expect positive to come out from your connection to her and from using her services.
Love & Blessings,
Alain Deguire
Alain Deguire

Useful Links

Angel Cuddle Publishing, for books, courses and resources


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Angel Cuddle Publishing Shoppe


Discover Rikka Zimmerman’s Adventure in Oneness


Discover Lisa Barnett’s online Akashic Records courses:

Akashic Records courses






Sarah Barton, Angel Cuddle Trails

  • Sarah Barton, Angel Cuddle Trails
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