Results for "Angel Cuddle Cafe" category

Are you constantly clearing? What has Maypole Dancing got to do with the Ho’oponopono clearing phrases and zero point? The answer is in the video:     Or, if you prefer to read: (First posted 8th July 2018.) You find me feeling rather tired and bedraggled for this video, but I wanted to do a…

Change whatever you want to change in your life with Ho’oponopono:     I am celebrating my newly-acquired Advanced Ho’oponopono Practitioner Certificate from the Global Sciences Foundation and signed by Joe Vitale and Matthew Dixon:     (First posted 2nd Sept. 2018)   I also share the Weekly Tip – Ho’oponopono, how it works and…

 Angel Cuddle Trails Weekly Tip – Love Transmission, Light Language, Revocation of Consent, along with the Ho’oponopono Mantra. I continue the Angel Cuddle Trails… Revocation of consent to the tyranny and “service to self” energy and control system, with a love transmission, including Light Language and a nice dose of Ho’oponopono.   My eyes…

 What’s Happening on Our Timelines on Earth (Ascension or 3D)? Darius Barazandeh, You Wealth Revolution Network Darius very clearly explains from a spiritual perspective how we can evolve from this experience in a positive way. He explains how the 3D structure relies on lack of awareness and fear. So, we rise above the fear…

Channeled Message 3rd April 2020

  • 4th April 2020 |
  • Author: Sarah

With the shift of balance and recalibration, you have two options – Awaken and re-member who you are or leave and continue your journey elsewhere. As the shift takes place, the programming you’ve allowed will fall away. Nobody can bury their head in the sand. Dormant memories are re-waking within you. Why is there suffering…

Love Transmission, Ho’oponopono, Mary Magdalene and the BELLS… I continue the Angel Cuddle Trails series at Alet-les-Bains, South West France with a Transmission of Love across the planet, and connecting with you after a Ho’oponopono cleansing. The ancients called the medieval village of Alet-les-Bains ‘The Chosen Place” and the moment I entered into this building,…

Today’s weekly tip concerns time. I show you my simple way of letting my mind accept the concept of all things happening in the now. I discuss how time is not linear, but is circular and show how we can clear the effects of past childhood or past life traumas or “stories”, constrictions and so…

Feeling Your Energy Field & Muscle Testing

  • 23rd November 2019 |
  • Author: Sarah

This week’s tip continues with muscle testing and asking questions to get to the root cause of your issue. Before looking at a couple of example questions, in the video I go through a simple process for feeling your energy field. Albert Einstein and Quantum Physics have shown us that everything is energy. Therefore, you…

This week’s tip continues with muscle testing using the ring finger technique. This muscle testing technique is simple, but effective for discovering your sub-conscious beliefs and memories. Last week, I demonstrated  you as the pendulum! LOL. This week, you will discover using your thumb and baby finger as a ring. For your convenience, here are…

This week’s tip continues with muscle testing using your standing body. This is probably the easiest form of muscle testing and discovering your sub-conscious beliefs and memories. Last week, I demonstrated using the pendulum. This week, you are the pendulum! LOL. In last week’s tip video, I mentioned that I didn’t fully understand why muscle…

Angel Cuddle Healing

Sarah Barton's Angel Cuddle Graphip Download your free Angel Cuddle Healing Taster now. Just click HERE to experience the life force energy being absorbed into every cell of your body, affecting you on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

Angel Cuddles

Sarah Pritchard  


  Hello, Sarah Barton here, Angel Ambassador, Channel of Grace, and a Reiki Master. An English lady with a passion for being a light bearer, sharing Love and showing up as one of the ones here to end separation on Mother Earth. So, how can I help you?

Angel of Love on Earth



I would recommend Sarah to anyone for Reiki and Angel Cuddles Healing Sessions. You can only expect positive to come out from your connection to her and from using her services.
Love & Blessings,
Alain Deguire
Alain Deguire

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Sarah Barton, Angel Cuddle Trails

  • Sarah Barton, Angel Cuddle Trails
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